What’s really beneath your chronic fatigue, massive overwhelm and mental overload?


Peace & Power Blueprint 

Become the Empathic Leader in your life

A focused, step-by-step, practical approach for the over-giver & over-achiever to take charge of their life, own their energy, health and happiness, through challenging situations, without overwhelm, guilt or fear.

Do You Keep Getting Knocked Down by Life’s Challenges?

I get it!

Life is not convenient…it’s messy!

Every day unexpected challenges show up….some small and some BIG.

And while you may have had the energy and resilience, life has slowly eroded that away, including your joy and sense of self.

You feel overwhelmed most of the days and end up working more hours to keep up. As a result, you think slower, and making thoughtful and deliberate decisions for your best life, is harder as you constantly second-guess yourself.
Your mind may be constantly spinning and when you climb into bed, you can’t shut your mind off so when you wake up in the morning you are groggy and unfocused and less productive in your day.

Because you are not at your best, it is difficult to maintain clear boundaries, and you don’t have the energy or patience to communicate effectively with your team or loved ones, which ultimately drains your energy even more, leading to more stress, resentment and fatigue in your body.

You GIVE, GIVE and GIVE helping and supporting other people and you have no energy left to do anything for YOU.

You can’t even remember the last time you enjoyed some free time, without being worried or anxious that you are dropping the ball at work or with your family.


You are wired differently as an over-giver and over-achiever.  
Someone with a big heart, a nurturer, an empath.    

You are compassionate and thoughtful
 and the natural consequence of that is that you pick up the worries and struggles of people in your life.  

But you don’t have have to keep paying the price for having a big heart!

Let me tell you that using sheer will-power, working more hours planning and strategizing for every conceivable situation is NOT the answer to giving you your energy, joy and peace of mind back!

I’ve been where you are and I can help before all the stress starts to affect your health, and relationships.  

It is possible to stop your mind from overthinking and going into overdrive, trying to anticipate worse case scenarios.  

Your mind wants to keep you safe but unfortunately, it is trained to see problems everywhere.    

Once you understand what your unique energy personality is, how you react to stress or perceived stress, we can shift your patterns and energy with proven tools and strategies, so you can consciously choose to make more “good” days and shift the balance away from stress, overwhelm and fatigue. 

I’m a former engineer who used to create high-performance materials and processes to produce not only strong parts, but would also endure rigorous internal and external stresses.

Now I do similar work helping women who are chronic over-givers, often putting their needs last to help them free up and refocus their energy, for a calmer mind and stronger body so that they can:  

  • Calm racing thoughts so they can take charge of their day without feeling anxious or paralyzed with fear.
  • Lighten their mental load and make decisions easily and quickly and when something challenging or unexpected happens you don't dwell on it for days and days.
  • Have more energy to enjoy their day without constantly draining and you can give back more to the people that matter to you.
  • Help ease anxiety, worry and tension in your body so you work more efficiently and sleep better.

The foundation of my work is a step-by-step process that takes you from stress, fatigue and overwhelm to a more peaceful, calm and replenished state, using 3 key components, to handle whatever life throws at you with more ease.
Perhaps You’ve Tried

Being more organized or making more to-do lists with items that you’re not crossing off
  • Working more hours
  • Meditating but your monkey mind comes back with a vengeance
  • Reading self-help books that you start but don’t have the bandwidth to  absorb the information  
  • Taking Online courses without personal real time support

It’s not your fault, that these strategies and tips are not working for you.

BECAUSE you need to get to your CORE issues!

Your challenges on the outside may be similar to others, but your energy, your patterns, beliefs and experiences are unique to you!

Finally Discover The Key Pieces Of the Puzzle
To Transform You From The Inside Out!

Energy . Mindset . Strategy

Let me explain WHY these areas are super important.

I’ve developed a 3-prong approach to get you to a place of power and peace even quicker and with long lasting results!

Mindset work or MindShift as I call it, is crucial to overcome your inner resistance so you can actually start taking action to break out of old patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck and small.

This was the missing piece in my leadership training when I worked as a Manager, leading a technical team.

Imagine doing things without the stress and procrastination and fear and worry?

Energy work is required to support and sustain you as you are making changes.  It can accelerate your shift tremendously, especially when you know what your energetic blindspots are and how you communicate with other people when under stress.  

Leadership Strategy, my final secret key.  When you are clear in what you want, you can fast track your decisions (goals) and actions by being able to discern what the path of least resistance is.  You will become more resourceful and resilient when you get unexpected setbacks.

Why I Created Peace & Power Blueprint for
Over-givers & Over-Achievers

For most of my life, I believed hard work, perseverance, pushing through, no matter what, was the way to get through life’s challenges, until I started experiencing chronic stress-related health challenges.
It was a steep price I paid, for this mistaken belief.

I thought I had boundless energy to use, could shoulder ever-growing responsibilities at work and at home, rely on my excellent problem-solving skills, project management, leadership and productivity skills.

But I never factored in that my busy overloaded mind and physical activities drained my personal energy account and I couldn’t replenish fast enough to meet more demanding challenges as a result of life circumstances in my close inner circle.  I knew I had to change something and that’s when I discovered the missing  critical parts to be able to maintain my energy, peace of mind and health even while juggling many responsibilities and unexpected situations.

I started seeing similar patterns in women who had the same mistaken beliefs I had, who were caring, smart and hard-working and were struggling day after day because they put their needs last, until they lost that vibrant part of themselves, feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and drained.

I created the Path to Peace Blueprint for over-givers and over-achievers, based on how I got my energy and health back and those of my clients over the last decade.  This framework can help women with big hearts, break free from overwhelm, guilt and fear so they can show up with more Peace, Power and Presence in their life.

Discover exactly what’s covered in the Path to Peace Blueprint for Overgivers & Overachievers

I'll detail exactly what is in my Path to Peace & Power Blueprint, but first let me explain why it is something I wish I had learnt earlier and how it will transform your life...

 Because I know that above all else, you want to know that what I’m sharing with you today will have an actual impact on the quality of YOUR life, and your ability to be calm, focused and powerful as life’s challenges show up.

Imagine If You Could

  • Have more control in your day without overthinking and over planning every aspect in your life.
  • Think more clearly because you have more energy and not reacting to worse case scenario thoughts.
  • Connect to your inner strength so you can do your tasks with more ease and less energy.
  • Focus and perform better at work.
  • Set priorities with more ease without second-guessing yourself.
  • Feel more confident and at ease that you can handle unexpected situations.
  • Feel safe and secure asking for what you truly want without conflict.
  • Sleep better and have less tension or pain in your body.

This isn’t a program of “how to do it”. You will actually learn HOW to apply the information, tools and strategies with my PERSONAL Support to your every day challenges.

No more being buried under the weight of all your challenges stacking up, draining your energy, peace and joy.


6 Month Training that guides you through the most important aspects to handle daily challenges & conflicts with more peace and confidence.

6 Month training
  • Guides you through the most important aspects to handle daily challenges & conflicts with more peace and confidence.
  • 6 powerful and laser-focused video training modules and lessons, released weekly so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • Video’s, Audio's & PDFs for lessons. 
Energy Assessments & tools 
  • Stress Personality assessments 
  • Power centre assessments 
  • Sensory Style assessments
  • Energy anatomy & exercises to amplify your energy.
  • Powerful Meditation and Qigong tools to calm and ground the mind
MindShift Exercises
  • Bi-weekly 60 min 1:1 Private calls, completely personalized to overcome your unique inner resistance.
  • Expect breakthrough moments, advanced strategies & rubber-meets-the-road problem-solving
Power Toolbox to help you shift to peace & power quicker
  • Personalized energizing affirmations to dial into your best vibe for the day.
  • Productivity & Scheduling tools & tactics.
  • Empowered Decision-Making strategies and tools.

Course Modules

Quick Start - Emergency Stress Relief Toolkit

Toolkit with practical and effective techniques to come back to your center when you find yourself in a high stress situation that immediately requires you to be calm and present.

Module 1- Uncover your Energy & Peace Drainers
Discover what top 3 internal and external stressors are stealing your energy and peace every day and create a customized plan to stop the energy and power drains.

Module 2 - Recharge Your Batteries & Protect Your Personal Energy
Recharge your energy depleted from overwhelm, incessant thinking and planning, and constantly being on the go, so you can focus and think more clearly to carry out your tasks with more ease.  

Module 3 - Break Free From The Need to Over-give, Over-work and Over-Perfect
Discover your relationship with yourself and the way you view the world so you can see how you limit or overextend yourself at home or at work.  Learn what your saboteurs are and how to cultivate sage powers so you can take action towards more peace and power.

Module 4 - Enjoy More Peace Navigating Your Relationships Confidently and Fearlessly
Reduce time, energy and frustration when you know how to initiate difficult conversations with different energy personalities, asking for what you need and experience more peace dealing with challenging individuals.

Module 5 - Master Powerful Decision-making to Own Your Energy, Time & Peace of Mind
Become the empowered leader in your life, learning to make powerful whole-brained decisions every day, without doubt, guilt or overwhelm, so you can own your time, energy, health and happiness.  

Module 6 - Save Time & Energy with Productivity & Scheduling Secrets
Learn Pro productivity and scheduling hacks that will help you set up your week and days up with less stress and mental drag so you can work more efficiently and have time to do the things that inspire and bring joy to you.


Bonus 1 - Qigong & Energy Medicine - 4 x 1 hr Classes to help you amplify your vitality, protect your energy, and reduce stress - Value $97

Bonus 2 - Boost Your Energy and prevent burn-out with Super Nutrients PDF.

Check Out These Transformations...

Growing up, my father was often controlling, dismissive and emotionally aggressive at times. Our relationship had been one-sided in which my emotions and needs were repressed. This lead to intrusive thoughts and sleeping issues as a result of years of repressing my own voice.

While working with Mala, I have learned ways to work with my body and mind so that I could free myself and feel at ease. I also recognized my inner strength and developed my voice to speak with my father.
Through learning to cope with my intrusive thoughts and speaking up with my father in Mala’s session, I feel empowered. 

I also learned to set healthy boundaries with people so that my needs can be recognized. In my journey, I have come to learn that listening to your body and taking things one day at a time are essential in the process of healing!"


"In 2019, I had severe right knee pain due to my rheumatoid arthritis and walked with a cane. I felt hopeless because I had tried different treatment approaches, but nothing worked.
I happened to travel to Canada, and my friend introduced me to Mala. After two sessions in Canada and follow-up zoom sessions at home, my knee gradually freed up. I stopped using a cane to support myself.  
I have learnt how emotional release can help to clear up bodily blockages and the impact of being over- stressed.  I learnt to respect myself without overworking to prove my self-worthI am now open to new possibilities!"


 "I feel my throat chakra continues to open up more and more and that I can speak my truth in an honest yet loving manner. The loving manner was often a struggle for me. I used to feel such discomfort and turmoil if I had to deal with things that made me uncomfortable or unhappy. I am so grateful for this shift in perspective.." 


 "Thank you for your enthusiasm and amazing knowledge to help me with this. I am so grateful we crossed paths. I feel very positive about the healing and know i am on the right path. You are a true gift this world needs for great change!


 "Thank you for your session and reminder notes. I feel empowered to take up the responsibility of facing the upcoming meeting regardless of the result." 


 "I followed your advice...and it happened. So relieved and I could feel the stress lift. Forever thankful to you Mala." 


There are 2 Ways to Enroll in Path To Peace & Power Blueprint


6 Payments of CAD $400


  • 6 Month Training that guides you through the most important aspects to handle daily challenges & conflicts with more peace and confidence.  
  • 12 x 60 min Bi-weekly 1:1 Private calls, completely personalized to overcome your unique inner resistance.
  • 6 Content-packed video training modules & work sheets
  • Energy assessments
  • Evaluation tools
  • Power Toolbox to take overwhelm down

Regular price CAD $2599

Discounted Price CAD $2200


  • 6 Month Training that guides you through the most important aspects to handle daily challenges & conflicts with more peace and confidence. 
  • 12 x 60 min Bi-weekly 1:1 Private calls, completely personalized to overcome your unique inner resistance.
  • 6 Content-packed video training modules & worksheets
  • Energy assessments
  • Evaluation tools
  • Power Toolbox to take overwhelm down 
  • Qigong & Energy Medicine  - 4 x 1 hr Classes
  • Boost Your Energy and prevent burn-out with Super Nutrients PDF.

“Fast Action Discount of 15% when you enroll before September 27, 2023”.

After which the price increases to $2599, which means you will never be able to get your hands on this valuable of information and training at such a low price.  There has never been a better time than Right Now to get started!

What Makes Path to Peace & Power Blueprint Unique?

It is a comprehensive system that helps you create the right mindset first, because if you believe nothing can change for you - it won’t! 

And we have to fix that fast! 

Once your mindset is primed and accepting of new possibilities, we amplify your energy and stop energy drains, making you feel stronger, and confident to take action

Strategy how to take action as efficiently as possible and is sustainable without causing you anxiety, will give you control back of your life. 

The Path to Peace Program is a structured approach that gives you a make-over from the inside out and helps you to navigate the stress, overwhelm and fatigue in your rapid changing environment and life.

You learn what makes you tick, what triggers you, what drains you, what beliefs and patterns stop you from making the best decisions or taking action for you and your peace of mind and health.

You are no longer at the mercy of the winds of change. I will show you how to powerfully discern what is important to you and your world and how to focus your energy and time on your life and what matters to you, without guilt and fear, and doubt.

"I totally enjoyed the training! 
 There was so much to understand.  You get to identify your emotions in a different way…why some days you are so calm and can handle most challenges and other days react so quickly and feel a little helpless.  

Blockage of energy channels that you need to work on and get energy moving again and how to do that. You demonstrated it so well. I felt that I could use this information every day for the rest of my life."
"Mala has helped me overcome stress and anxiety in the past through a variety of interactions but what interested me about the Peace and Power Program was the goals mentioned in the agenda. This program not only personalized techniques specifically for my needs, it enhanced my communication skills, equipped me to anticipate other's responses enabling me to script my conversations for the best outcome for both participants and also helped me to ground myself before difficult situations ensuring success.

I am able to feel at peace now instead of being totally grey, flat and burnt out. I can see the colours again in my world, I love who I am and what I am capable of and I am connected in body and mind and listen to my needs. I celebrate how far I have come through this program from the bottom to the top of my world."

How Is This Program Delivered?

  • Over 6 months, the course modules and lessons will be drip fed weekly so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • You get notified every week of what's dropping so you don't forget or worry about it.
  • Each module of the program has an overview lesson to explain the concept, with video or supported with either presentations, PDFs or audio files.
  • Bi-weekly focused and goal oriented calls with me in Zoom for 60-75 min; You will be required to spend 15 min. to fill out a short questionnaire and submit 1 week prior to our meeting. We will address your inner resistance, and work through challenges, assisting you to get clear on decisions and actions you need to take, to move through your challenge as quickly and efficiently as possible without draining more of your energy.
  • Should you want to schedule your private sessions at a later time, please contact me via email at Mala@PainToPeaceSolutions.


Quick Start - Emergency Stress Relief Toolkit
Toolkit with practical and effective techniques to come back to your center when you find yourself in a high stress situation that immediately requires you to be calm and present.  

Module 1 - Uncover your Energy & Peace Drainers
Discover what top 3 internal and external stressors are stealing your energy and peace every day and create a customized plan to stop the energy and power drains.  

Module 2 - Recharge Your Batteries & Protect Your Personal Energy
Recharge your energy, depleted from overwhelm, incessant thinking and planning, and constantly being on the go, so you can focus and think more clearly to carry out your tasks with more ease.  

Module 3 - Break Free From The Need to Over-give, Over-work and Over-Perfect
Discover your relationship with yourself and the way you view the world so you can see how you limit or overextend yourself at home or at work.  

Module 4 - Enjoy More Peace Navigating Your Relationships Confidently and Fearlessly
Reduce time, energy and frustration when you know how to initiate difficult conversations, asking for what you need and experience more peace dealing with challenging individuals.  

Module 5 - Master Powerful Decision-making to Own Your Energy, Time & Peace of Mind
Become the empowered leader in your life, learning to make powerful decisions every day, without doubt, guilt or overwhelm, so you can own your time, energy, health and happiness.  

Module 6 - Save Time & Energy with Productivity & Scheduling Secrets
Learn Pro productivity and scheduling hacks that will help you set up your week and days up with less stress and mental drag so you can work more efficiently and have time to do the things that inspire and bring joy to you.  


Bonus 1 - Qigong & Energy Medicine for Vitality
- 4 x 1 hr Master Class to help you amplify your vitality, protect your energy, reduce pain, fatigue and stress - Value $97  

Bonus 2 - Boost Your Energy and prevent burn-out with Super Nutrients PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is the antidote to overwhelm. Overwhelm is the result of 3 fundamental issues that we will address so although it may seem counterintuitive, to get more peace, energy and freedom in your life, the solution lies in making a commitment to spend focused time for yourself addressing your core challenges in a structured and supported way.

Since you have lifetime access to the course, you can set your own pace and choose what you need to work on most urgently without forcing yourself to go through the entire course.

 Change is hard but making changes on your terms, when things are still in control is more empowering.

As a member, you will have access to me via email and in our personal sessions.

While I can’t guarantee results (and no one can, not even your doctor :)) as they are dependent on many factors, including how much time you put into doing the work, I am confident that you will have breakthrough moments. This course will serve you long after you’ve completed it to help you in your every day life. Regular check-ins will help ensure that we are consistently working towards your goals.

What Happens After You Buy This Program?

 You’ll get an email from me giving you instant access to your Bonus course. We will schedule your first private call via Zoom at your convenience, where we will take 1-1.5 hrs to go through your Power Drain Assessment and get clear on what your top 3 challenges are so we can craft your customized plan. 

Then we’ll take the next step when you are ready!  

Still Have Questions?

Book a call clicking the button below and let’s make sure this program is the right fit for you.