Get to know Mala

Before I discovered Energy Medicine, I felt skeptical of the benefits, but little did I know that I needed it the most.  I used to be the person who made fun of holistic, alternative or complimentary modalities.  How could hand-waving and pressing points on the body, boost my immune system, take my pain away and give me energy?

 My own transformation overcoming chronic debilitating health challenges eventually led me from a career as a Professional Engineer in the aerospace industry to an Energy & Mindset Empowerment  Coach.  

My quest to understand what was at the core of my weakened body, led me to Energy medicine & QiGong where I learnt about  invisible yet very tangible energy fields that keep us healthy, vibrant and happy.

I studied with world renowned Energy Medicine and Qigong mentors. I was drawn into this incredible world of learning about energy, so that by the end I was able to completely understand and take charge of my own health.  

To broaden my knowledge, I also completed a Bachelors in Holistic Sciences. Soon after, I joined a Natural Health Clinic where I worked closely with Holistic Nutritionists and  Naturopathic Doctors to help accelerate the client's healing journey.  

 Over the last 10 years I've worked with women who are chronic over-givers and perfectionists, often putting themselves last on the list, to take charge of their health and personal peace.

My desire and wish for you, is to be pro-active and responsible for your own health and well-being.