EFT for Motivation

1.5 hr LIVE Class - Learn and apply one of the most powerful neuro and energy based tools to motivate you and take powerful action.

Are you struggling to find the motivation to start or stick with your goals?

Take decisive action towards your  health, fitness, career or project goals that have fallen by the wayside leaving you feeling defeated and frustrated.  
Learn how to get out of your own way with a powerful neuro and energy-based tool.

It's Time to Recommit & Take Action For Your Better Life!

Are you tired of spinning your wheels?

Do you keep moving your start dates for projects, tasks or activities from one week to the next?

Perhaps you aren't making progress fast enough because of the many stops and starts.

You are smart and hard-working yet somehow you can't get out of the rut.

Your motivation has nothing to do with being smart, caring, hard-working!

Whatever is happening on the outside is rarely the real issue.  

Many people are held back by beliefs that keep them living small and play negative thought patterns on an invisible loop that they aren't even aware of!

It's time to take control of your life and transform your mindset!

Your mindset is the driving force behind your thoughts, actions, and ultimately your results.

By learning how to cultivate a winning mindset, you can achieve greater success and live a more fulfilling life.

With the right tools and guidance, you can reprogram your thinking and unleash your full potential.

It’s critical to understand what’s going on underneath your resistance, procrastination, self-sabotage or other saboteurs and re-wire your mind.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Let's work together to take powerful action!

When you understand where your inner resistance is coming from, you can free your mind and make a shift in your external circumstances.

Once you clear your personal mental barriers, you simultaneously free up energy in your body.

Your body will feel lighter, and your mind feels more relaxed so you can tap into more creative choices and solutions and make new habits stick better.

In the EFT for Motivation Class, you will learn what's holding you back and how to take down your inner resistance.

Here's What You Will Get....

  • 1.5 hr class learning concepts, tools and applying them!
  • Identify 1 burning issue, project or goal that you would like to start or advance
  • Get clear what really is preventing you from moving forward
  • Identify your dominant beliefs and emotions that are holding you back from deciding and taking powerful actions
  • Develop your own personal tapping script
  • Learn and apply EFT.  

Pay in Full - Valid until June 28, 2023
Etransfer option: Mala@PainToPeaceSolutions.com

Valued at $97
Now only CAD $47

What Happens After You Sign Up for This Class?  

You’ll get an email from me with a Zoom Link.  Prior to the LIVE class , you will receive a workbook.  If you have any questions, please get in touch at Mala@PainToPeaceSolutions.com

Mala has worked as a Professional Engineer, project manager, researcher in automotive and aerospace engineering.  

She entered the field of Energy Medicine after the transformation of her own health served as a catalyst for her personal empowerment.  She studied Energy Medicine and Qigong and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Holistic Sciences .

She is the founder of Pain to Peace Roadmap & the Peace & Power Blueprint.
Mala has worked over the last 10 years with women who are chronic over-givers and perfectionists, often putting themselves last on the list, to take charge of their health, personal life and professional life so that they stand in their power with greater ease.

The foundation of her work is centered on neuro-based tecniques, energy medicine and mindset work to help them break free from guilt, doubt and fear.